13. Self - Confidence is a Skill

Today, I am teaching you the difference between confidence and self-confidence. Some of us believe that some people are just confident by nature, but I am here to tell you that self-confidence is a skill that you can learn. You can learn it just like you learned how to ride a bike, to write and read, to brush your teeth. You had to learn how to do those things, you never knew how before, you developed a certain level of skill in order to do them by doing it over and over again. Same with self-confidence. I talk about the negative emotion and thoughts that occur when it comes to confidence levels and how to work through those obstacles. I give you specific tips and tools so you can start building your self- confidence right away. 

Sign up for the FREE Self-Confidence Training: https://go.emilyelizabethcoaching.com/free-confidence-training

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